Epiphyte: These plants grow on trees without drawing their foods. This is the case of the famous orchydae that grow in tropical forests.
Epiphyte: These plants grow on trees without drawing their foods. This is the case of the famous orchydae that grow in tropical forests.
Evergreen forest: The leaves of the trees in this forest are evergreen throughout the seasons on the east coast, in wet, rainy or rain-fed areas.
Gondwana: Western geographers use this terminology to refer to the supercontinental ensemble of South America, Africa, Arabia, India, Antarctica, and Australia. Many television shows reduce Gondwana to the only island of Madagascar, for intellectual laziness.
Deciduous dry forest: its trees lose their leaves during the dry season. It is found in large areas of western Madagascar, with a subhumid climate, dominated by baobabs.
Lavaka: it is these huge gaping wounds that can be seen when we follow the RN1. They are the result of heavy rains that cause significant digging: a crevasse can form in only two hours if conditions are met.
Laterite: this is the red land characteristic of certain areas of the Highlands. It is rich in iron hydroxide and alumina. Some say that it covers 70% of our island.