Cloves in the South-East of Madagascar. Photo illustration of Harison. You are missing the smells of this medicinal plant, highly sought after in the pharmaceutical industry or in essential oils.

Clove photos by Harison EL Stéphanioensis

Harison EL Stéphanioensis makes us happy to send us these magnificent photos of clove plantations in the South-East of Madagascar. 1000 Thanks Harison.
Here is his post on the wall of his Facebook Page :

Tsy nieritreritra mihitsy zaho hatramin'izay fa izany Vangaindrano izany de tany "TONDRA-DRONONO SY TANTELY"!! Tany tegna mahavokatra sady mamokatra, malaza AGNALANJIRÔFO, fa Vangaindrano koà mbô managna eh!


I continue on my way,
Frankly, between us, I did not expect to see and discover such a competitive District on the agricultural level. The clove fields, in strata as far as the eye can see, bear witness to a continuous effort by the peasantry to continually plant this type of cash crop. The climate, hydrology and pedology allowing it.





Must known about Madagascar cloves and cloves in general.

It would be wrong to say that the cloves are not worth a scrap. On the contrary, the clove is one of the cash crops. Its smell is familiar to everyone, whether at the table or in the hallways and waiting rooms of dentists.

The clove identity card

From its scientific or botanical name, Syzygium aromaticum is a tree that is part of the Myrtaceae family. In Madagascar, we like to call it jirofo. What gave the name of a region Analanjirofo, main producer of cloves.

Les Somaliens proposent à leurs hôtes un thé en y ajoutant du gingembre, de la cardamome, cannelle et des clous de girofle.Clous de girofle

Tell me more about the cloves

Once upon a time, in 1700 BC We are in Syria, in Terga. Archaeologists have found traces of ashes from a clove in a kitchen. Then, let's go to China, 200 years BC, the Chinese knew about cloves and used them in medicine or in their culinary recipes. While among the Romans and Greeks, Pliny the Elder cites them in his works. And the Christians, you will say? Of course, we find this ingredient in their biblical accounts. They claim that the clove was used for the crucifiction. Dixit !

In Europe, in the Middle Ages, only the rich benefited from the benefits of cloves. As everyone knows, during our history lessons, around 1511, in Moluccas Archipelago, the Portuguese held a monopoly on maritime trade and controlled the commercial circulation of cloves. To assert their power, they burned the cloves that grew outside of Termate Island. The Dutch intervened and upset this flourishing monopoly. As for francophones, fortunately, Pierre Poivre comes into play and took some trees . He set out to acclimatize them to the Ile de France (Mauritius today) and the West Indies. The merchant sailors did the rest by propagating the cloves. They were a cargo that could sell for a high price point in the context of Triangular Trade.

Why are cloves worth gold? What are its virtues?

Several virtues are granted in many areas to cloves. For example, in Brazil today, scientists have shown the effectiveness of cloves to slow down or even stop the proliferation of cancerous tumors of the lungs, ovaries, breasts.
Regarding diabetes, it has been observed that patients have improved their blood sugar levels by including cloves in their recipes. Their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects strengthen our immune system. The capacities of white blood cells are increased. Well used, their active ingredients provide lots of vitamins, especially vitamin K, which is effectively involved in blood coagulation.
As Chinese doctors already knew, millennia ago, well integrated into our diet, the benefits and virtues of cloves are countless. They facilitate and relieve our digestion by increasing digestive enzymes. The liver and lungs are cleaned. The hepatic system is strengthened. They prevent cancer as part of a healthy lifestyle in our diet.
In everyday life, we are used to relieving dental pain with cloves. By inserting them into the dental holes, the pain is instantly calmed. Medication-resistant headaches are not resistant to clove herbal teas and other more specific medications. In powder or herbal tea, our bones, joints, skeletons stay in shape by regularly taking these herbal tea recipes made from cloves. And finally, a household recipe keeps ants away from our kitchens: it's about the mixture of white vinegar and cloves.

Often, while traveling, we bring home unusual local recipes. Here is one from Somalia : lThe SHAAH tea ! Somalis offer their guests tea by adding ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves.

The women of the Maghreb perpetuate their ancient recipes based on cloves. They take them before, during and after their pregnancies. Their babies are found to be doing better.
And finally, let's not forget that cloves are lovingly picked ONE by ONE. They cannot stand mechanization or contact with iron. During your tours in Madagascar, we can show you plantations in the South-East or in Sainte-Marie (Nosy-Boraha).

To find out more, here is a documentary on the green gold of Madagascar

Madgascar is the second largest producer in the world and the largest exporter of cloves as well as clove oil. Introduced to Madagascar a little less than two centuries ago, its culture has developed very rapidly there. Currently, there are over 31,000 clove growers on the Big Island, each with between 10 and 1,000 clove plants. Director: Stéphane Corduant Executive production: Mada-Movie
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