The essential oils of Madagascar will participate in the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Essential oils (ET) from Madagascar will participate in the Beijing Olympic Games. The French athletes will each bring a bottle of HE. They think they are fighting against pollution and its effects. The plants of Madagascar have virtues highly sought after by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Great sportsmen also use them for various reasons.
Madagascar is full of thousands of endemic plants. Their therapeutic properties and their flagrances are very valuable for the research laboratories of major perfume brands, among others. This video shows Xavier Ormancey's field trip. He is a chemist, Research Director of Cosmetics at Channel. Her mission for 10 years has been to travel the world and find plants that effectively slow down the aging of the skin. It does not exclude the other avenues of the pharmacopoeia. His team of local partners seeks to understand the secret recipes of Malagasy plants. L’ONG « L’Homme et l’environnement », directed by Olivier Behra carries out an inventory of the native flora of Madagascar.
Senteurs de Madagascar Les Huiles essentielles de Madagascar participeront aux Jeux Olympiques de Pékin.
While Barbara Mathevon, biologist, also, has given herself the mission of preserving this biodiversity threatened by massive and irresponsible deforestation of the local population. This video documentary by IMINEO DOCUMENTAIRE tells about their ways of finding new plants. They are trying to understand why this heritage is threatened and is in danger of disappearing. This is the adventure of these interested saviors of the plants and scents of Madagascar.
Source and author : Florent Chevolleau
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