Brickaville is known for its must-see bridge over the Rianala and Rongaronga rivers. Its history is forgotten: Bricka or 1947. Or the actors of sustainable development at the local level.

Brickaville or the story of a forgotten engineer

The man dies, but his work remains. Did you know to whom we owe the name of Brickaville? For everyone, it's Brickaville, the last stop before Toamasina for bush taxi drivers or trucks. It is identified by its famous multimodal iron bridge. At a certain time of the TCE, one crossed there the train, the trucks and the rickshaws, the pedestrians at the same time. It was the show of the day! This bridge was made by engineer BRICKA, during colonization. And the locality bears his name.

The Studio SIFAKA tells us this forgotten story.

Real crossroads on the national road 2, Brickaville is the bridge between Antananarivo and Toamasina. This city is also recognized as being the port of the boats which transport goods or passengers from the localities bordering the rivers Rianila and Rongaronga.

Just under 250 kilometers from Antananarivo, Brickaville, with its bridge which is often featured on postcards, is easy to spot. Stopovers for those going to Manambato or Ambila Lemaitso, this city is also a stopover for truckers crossing the RN2 towards Tamatave, Fenerive-Est or other. The history of Brickaville dates back to colonial times and is related to this famous bridge, which is linked to a certain Charles Bricka.

Brickaville or the city of Bricka

During colonial times, the French mainly occupied two large regions of the Big Island, namely the East Coast and the North. It is in fact in the sense that many localities in the eastern part of the island have French-speaking appellations: Périnet, Pangalanes, Foulpointe or Brickaville. To carry out the construction of roads and railways, especially the TCE., The government dispatched a French engineer to the island: Charles Bricka.
Disembarking at the port of Toamasina, Charles Bricka settled in this locality where he will direct the construction of the railway. It was on the banks of the Rianila River that the home of this French engineer stood. Having no name at the time, the locality will be baptized the "City of Bricka" and will be recognized by the bridge that the engineer built.

Today a road and river crossroads

Over time, Brickaville has become a real crossroads, both road and river. Since the TCE line is no longer functional, the small river port of Vohibinany is every day the place of disembarkation of goods and passengers from localities far from the national road such as Anivorano-Gare, Mizahamioraka, Ambatobe or Andevoranto. It is also the exit point for those who want to join Ambila Lemaitso or Manambato.

Lettre ouverte de ceux qui font progresser les choses à Brickaville

Le secteur de Brickaville est un endroit toujours en pleine effervescence. Voici la lettre ouverte de notre ami Harison EL Stéphanioensis. Avec ses amis sur place, ils nous redonnent une définition concrète de ce qu’est le développement durable. Car pour beaucoup de monde, ce terme désigne seulement une porte ouverte à des subventions sans actions concrètes sur le terrain, ni de contrôles.

Aire de Développement Durable by Harison EL Stéphanioensis lettre ouverte 12 octobre 2021


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Lettre ouverte de Harison EL Stéphanioensis avec Casimir Mahadali et 19 autres personnes concernées. Qu'est-ce que « Aire de Développement Durable » ?

Une lettre ou/verte :

Ce soir, à cette heure tardive, permettez-moi d'importuner avec mes longues phrases composant ce modeste partage...

Aire de Développement Durable... Qu'est-ce que cette notion ???

Répondons à cette question ultérieurement...

Oui ce soir je me contente de manifester ma joie et ma fierté d'appartenir à un naissant groupuscule, certes d'utopistes et d'idéalistes aux yeux de certains de nos proches et entourage, mais laquelle a, à mon sens, le mérite de se tenir à cœur cette noble perception d'une nature généreuse, nourricière, mais vieillissante voire tarissable qu'il vaille la peine de ménager et préserver...

Oui, notre groupe essaie de faire l'effort d'apprendre à se munir quotidiennement de cette veille comportementale sur l'auto restriction, car rappelons que "toute cette potentialité de la verdoyante Est malagasy que nous procure Mère-Nature, n'a pas été héritée de nos Razagna (ancêtres), mais plutôt empruntée à notre TARANAKA (générations futures)".

Oui, pour ce faire, les sacrifices et auto-interdictions sont à décupler, car l'avenir proche s'annonce malheureusement plus vulnérable et moins clément...

Au quotidien, nos gestes et pratiques doivent refléter cette réorientation audacieuse de mode de vie, de pensée, de réflexe et de fonctionnement. Le faire pas à pas et éviter de mettre brusquement la barre trop haute...

Dans notre jardin d'application à ciel ouvert quelque part dans le pays Brickavillois, à l'entrée de la plaine sucrière, nous essayons de prôner la pratique de la CUEILLETTE RAISONNÉE, comme ici sur les photos, profiter des opportunités multiples que procure LA RAVINALA ou FONTSY comme nous l'appelons ici localement, pour nos besoins en logistiques. Mais dans nos terrains, ne déforester (ou plutôt ne couper d'arbres ou des végétaux) que pour le strict nécessaire. C'est une pratique que nous, voisins, essayons de nous inculquer.

**Nous avons la pure conviction que par ces ambitions et pas celle de nos amis, proches, et dans notre réseau, on ne finira pas changer les choses. Nous n'espérons surtout pas garder l'exclusivité de cette volonté à bouleverser le cours de notre histoire locale par le changement contraignant de comportement. Gage impératif d'un lendemain qui chantera mieux pour nos enfants...Alors :


Préservons nos ressources,

Ne consommons que l'essentiel


Stéphanioensis, ce mardi 20211012 à 23h25

But where is Brickaville in Madagascar?

Brickaville is located on the East Coast of Madagascar, on the RN2. When you arrive here, you are only about 50 km from Toamasina, the economic capital and one of the major ports of Madagascar. Depending on the season and the vagaries of truck traffic, you can reach your final destination Toamasina in 1 hour and a half or 3 hours!
7 municipalities make up the district of Brickaville, namely, just for the record according to Wikipedia: Brickaville, Ambalarondra, Ambinaninony, Ambohimanana, Ampasimbe, Andekaleka, Andovoranto, Anivorano Est, Anjahamana, Fanasana, Fetraomby, Lohariandava, Mahatsara, Ranomakaanana, and Vohitanivona. These municipalities are subdivided into 180 fokontany. The whole on an area of ​​5385 kms ². But for all the tourists who pass here, Brickaville is only its bridge and the river with all these boats loaded with goods of all kinds. From there, you can choose, depending on your travel plan, to continue your journey to Manambato or directly to Foulpointe, the favorite destination of Antananarivo. Ambilalemaitso, a former seaside resort in the days of the Train de l'Est, offers a peaceful stopover on the shores of the Indian Ocean and the Pangalanes Canal. Vatomandry is also a good tourist option that deserves a detour, as is Andevoranto.
Before the arrival of engineer BRICKA, the locality bore the local name of Ampasimanolotra or Vohibinany. Subsequently, the population of this region played a large role during the revolt movements of March 1947.

Brickaville: 2 minutes stop of the Train Cote Est TCE

For those who have the time or who want to appreciate the slowness of a train journey to see the landscapes, Madarail offers departures from Moramanga to Toamasina for 10,000 Ariary. 3 wagons with 72 seats are at your disposal. It is recommended to inquire and book. You will travel hooked up to freight trains. To be reserved for adventurers with full knowledge of the facts. Depending on the vagaries of the traffic, you are almost sure to arrive before the cars.

Gare Brickaville on 1914

Sary nalaina vazaha iray antsoina hoe Edgard Imbert nandritra ny fandehanany train avy tany Toamasina niakatra Antananarivo,mbola machine à vapeur no nisy tamin'izany fotoana izany.
Tahirin-tsary : © Edgard Imbert mars 1914

Gare Brickaville on 1914 by ©Edgard Imbert mars 1914©
Gare Brickaville en 1914 by ©Edgard Imbert mars 1914©
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