9 possible entries to join the Canal des Pangalanes ?

For adventurous travelers or backpackers, you have these 9 gates to enter the Canal des Pangalanes.

Of course, you can choose to use local means of transport, bush boats or the boats of certain agencies.

For security reasons, we advise you, however, to surround yourself with professional and formal guides, with their registration badges in the Register of Guides. You can inquire at The Office Régional du Tourisme de Tamatave (Toamasina)

Here are the contact details of the Regional Tourist Office of Tamatave :

Office regional du tourisme tamatave toamasinal’Office Régional du Tourisme de Tamatave (Toamasina)

Office de tourisme à Toamasina

Adresse : Rue Lieutenant Noël Ambohimanga, Toamasina

It is located towards the seaside. You can take a Bajaj to take you there. Considering the price of the race, you should not deprive yourself of it. It is a very small agency office.

Schedule :

Open ⋅ Closed often closed according to our experience

Phone Number : 020 53 302 05  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ouor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Tamatave (Toamasina) Le Port fluvial.
  • Brickaville
  • Manambato
  • Ambila Lemaitso
  • Vatomandry
  • Mahanoro
  • Nosy Varika
  • Mananjary
  • Manakara
Carte touristique Madagascar

Holidays Madagascar recommends the following 7 gates to reach the Pangalanes Canal

  • Tamatave (Toamasina) Le Port fluvial.
  • Vatomandry
  • Mahanoro
  • Mananjary
  • Manakara

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La météo à TAMATAVE, Madagascar

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